Sunday, January 31, 2010

Missing my Lane "Acclaim" No More

Wow! I finally have my furniture back from Grot after a rain delay!
I am so pleased with the way they turned out!
But now we need a new couch!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Enough All Ready!

If there could be a Bermuda Triangle on land our hood would be it!

Clouds bellow winds like rushing rivers, between the hills, in several directions at once.

Missing my Lane "Acclaim"

Over the holidays our buddy Ozzy remarked that my dining room chairs still look great. Well, I bought from GROT at least six years ago! "That guy (Gavin) really knows wood!" So last week I packed up our 4 pieces of Lane "Acclaim" and headed to GROT for a make over. A fair amount of sanding (times two) a little repair, some oil and some wax, but no paint! Alas, the storm of century has delayed my Lane's return. But, I shall sally forth and bust some major dust in the meantime.

The 12 seater teak table top with the extensions is next on the GROT list and off of the hubby's list! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cadbury gobbled up by Kraft?

Kraft don't mess with my chokie!
Cadbury is the root for my "chocoholism."
NPR did a great story on the history of the company
and what it means to the Brits!

The Lighting Gallery by Coastal Moods

I'm like a kid in a candy store! OMG!

Lights for above the bar that I don't have yet!

I am a sucker for amber glass!

Now for something completely different!

Or toned down, the look of handmade?

Ernie has an eclectic array of light fixtures in
his showroom and even a Trump chandelier
showroom with some really tasteful fixtures.

The Lighting Gallery
28162 Camino Capistrano
Suite B109
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Origin of the Recycled Windows

M & T 020
Originally uploaded by emmajay2008
Here is the original home of two of the six windows and the gentleman that gifted them too us!

Recycled Windows Replace Garage Door Update...

We are actually passed this point but I refuse to
go out in the rain to take a pic.

Here is the view from the desk!

Now you can see that these windows are recycled!

Friday, January 1, 2010

PG Tips Have Landed at Fresh and Easy

Hallelujah! PG Tips! Not a bad price either!

Yeah, Tesco said that they would not be selling English
stuff at Fresh and Easy, but my intrepid photographer
snapped some shots in the store of some real dandies:
tinned rice pud and custard at $ 3.99 and spotted dick
at $4.99. I like to see them explain that at the sample
counter! Spotted dick is actually a supper sweat
spongy steamed pudding with raisins usually served
with custard. On previous trips I have also spied with my
little eye baked beans and (huh?) tinned new potatoes.
What are they thinking? Don't get me wrong,
I LOVE the store!
I needed candied pecans and they had them.
Now I plan to campaign for real digestive bickies
(less sweet and more nutritious than graham crackers)
to dip in the tea!

Fresh and Easy (Britannia) float my boat!

To Late to Turn Back Now (not the love song!)

No explanation needed! Yikes!

This will be our view while working!
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