Thursday, July 31, 2008
More Changes at the LA Times

Monday, July 28, 2008
$olutions: Moveable Curtains Keep Out The Heat.

Friday, July 25, 2008
Where Do You Read?

I like to read the paper in the morning
on the stairs with the front door wide

on the couch. That's why it is called a laptop.
I love flipping the on-line pages of the Crate & Barrel
catalog at http://crateandbarrel.com/.
I prefer my West Elm catalog as a hard copy (http://westelm.com/).

I like to read, re-read
and re-re-read
my favorite shelter
out on the
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Pool and Patio Tour: So Cal So Cool.
Architect Pat Killen (http://www.studio9one2.com/) designed a new entry, living room and deck for what was once a "plain jane, L shaped" ranch house. Talk about an upgrade...
The original pool was too large for the hillside, it was made smaller and safer. The stone planter/wall and rockery were designed by my Mum and Tosh.
Care to dive in anyone? "No canon balling during happy hour"!
I love this railing, the butterfly roof, the cantilevered deck and the rockery in the foreground.
The family is just about to swing into full time party mode because the rellies are hopping over the pond for their hols. Cheers!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Who could possibly complain about doing the laundry here?
dzinelvrslc's flickr photo cast a spell on me! That full moon's a workin.
Look at this laundry room. A work top for folding laundry. A place to hang things up. Good lighting. Very efficient use of space. I'm making plans already.
Oh honey...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Out of the Cupboard

Open shelving in the kitchen is a popular trend these days. I, personally am drawn to it because upper cupboards in the kitchen can be too obtrusive especially when the kitchen is small, and I just go gah gah for anything that is cantilevered! On the other hand, clutter and dust can be equally off-putting. How do you feel about this? Should the dishes stay in or come out of the cupboard? This is a great example of a combination from Metropolitan Home. http://www.pointclickhome.com/metropolitan_home Day dream away!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thrifted: Dining set by Hans Olsen for Frem Rojle
A True Artist Can Find Beauty In A Job Undone

We are upwind of this part of the hill and there are two of these herds grazing on it.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sunday Trip: South Coast Botanical Gardens for a Workshop on Succulents

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Massimino "Martha" Menesci

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Out of the Cupboard

Okay, it is finally manana!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
My 3 Favorite R's: Recycle, Refurbish, Reuse