My Mum and I went to a talk succulents this Sunday. It was a great idea since I have all ready planted and propagated like crazy. I changed my front yard from overgrown hedged lavender to (work in progress) mostly succulents, lantana and roses. My policy has been not to purchase any new plants, just to rearrange and propagate them from different parts of the property. I have bought some cinder blocks to make granite benches and of course, good potting soil.
What We Learned:
1. Mum and I live in different climate zones. She can put plants in unglazed pots because she lives by the coast. I live near Pasadena so I should put my plants in glazed pots to help retain moisture.
2. Leave room in the garden for succulents to clump. Luckily, these plants can handle being almost nomadic so they don't mind being moved around when a certain person changes her mind.
3. Watering should be set for twice a week for 30 minutes not everyday for 5 minutes. Five minutes of water only penetrates about 2 inches deep and most of it evaporates.
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