Possum up a 'simmon tree
Raccoon on the ground
Possum says you son of a gun
Lay my 'simmons down.
- mid to late 1800s, author unknown.
The verse also forms a portion of the traditional song "Bile Dem Cabbage Down", in various permutations in black spirituals, and many other folk songs.
My parents have a persimmon tree. As the years have gone by, our family has looked forward to the harvest each fall. Persimmons have replaced pumpkins as my preferred fall home decor and fall fruit. The tree had some magnificently large persimmons on it that we could see from the second story window. Despite the net, some critters shimmied up the trunk and ate most of the fruit! The hubby will hand carry on de plane some to the Lambster for her 20th b-day. I bought these from the market !